Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finally, a post to publish

Welcome to my Blog. I’m glad you decided to stop in. My hope is that the words contained herein will be inspirational, encouraging, and thought provoking. We’ll cover a variety of topics, but primarily my focus will be on glorifying the Lord through the sharing of my life’s experiences and the impact they’ve had upon me.

What’s with the name, anyway? Well, it’s really a pun. Running - I am a big runner and have been for the past twenty years. On Faith – this is the gasoline that fuels the Blog. Although we all place our faith in someone or something, I’ll be sharing the journey of my faith through my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. And before you discount me as another “Bible thumper”, I encourage you to stick around, regardless of your world view. In fact, if you are skeptical about God, have questions about Christianity, or other beliefs and philosophies, then this might be just the place for you. After all, our lives are built on relationships, whether with family or friends, and what is more important than a personal relationship with God?

Oh, and to set the record straight. I don’t profess to know everything. You won’t find glib answers to difficult questions here. I am not going to preach to you, but I am going to show and share events in my life. I’ll be earthy, transparent, and authentic in all of my discussions. My basis for truth is God’s word. I believe that the Holy Scriptures are inspired, inerrant, and infallible propositional truths of our Lord.

So wherever you are in life’s journey, I hope this site encourages you. Remember, we all have a story to tell, regardless of our fortune or fame, title or background, race, creed, religion, or nationality.


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