Sunday, August 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, son

Tomorrow is my son’s 5th birthday. I am very proud of him. I’m sure most dads are proud of their sons, but I am so thankful for the wonderful blessing the Lord has bestowed upon us in Joseph Alex. With a smile that can light up any room, a heart the size of Texas, and the energy level twice that of mine (you have to know me to understand), he’s a terrific child. Certainly, I’m biased because he’s my kid, but if you ask anyone that knows Joey, they’ll be quick to tell you he’s a special boy. I knew that the moment I laid eyes on him. When he came out his mother’s womb, it was as if he came out with a big smile on his face, and saying, “Hey, dad, how’s it going?” No kidding, that’s what it seemed like to me. I can’t even describe it. Even now, while I type these words at 35,000 feet, with a lump in my throat & tears flooding my eyes, the emotions are so strong as I recall the many things we have done together since his birth: first feeding, first diaper change (what am I suppose to do here, honey?), first bath, first steps, first trip to the grocery store, first words (dada?), first vacation (he’s flown more air miles in 5 years than I flew during my first 20 years of life), first time fishing (he caught a large-mouth bass), first trip to the ER, first day of pre-school, first road race, and the list goes on & on…

Happy Baby!

Sooo Big!


Big Brother

Growing up fast

Now, in case you are wondering, I do not play favorites with my kids. I’ll have a separate post for daddy’s little girl (you know how much I love you, Gabby!!!). Joey, your mommy and I wish you a very Happy Birthday!

May the Lord bless you and keep you;

May the Lord make His face to shine upon you,

And be gracious to you:

May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you peace.

Glory and power and honor and dominion to the Almighty King!


Father & son


Will Piper said...

Hey Jeff-
Happy birthday to Joey! What great photos you shared. I can relate so well to some of the experiences you recalled (first diaper especially... and most recently first solo bath). I just hope that my memories grow with Hope and Grace like yours have grown with your children.


Laurie said...

I too am so proud of this little boy and LOVE him to pieces!!

Happy 5th Birthday Joey!!

I LOVE you!!!!
